Saturday, January 28, 2006

sun kissed

yay! today was the best. i hung out with my long haired woolly bearded friend. we swam in the amazingly clear and cool ocean. we had handstand competitions. and spoke about the heart.
i wish he still lived next door. then we could play all the time.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

hottest 100

aussie. apparantly to be an aussie you have to eat lamb. or drive around in a big ute with an even bigger aussie flag attached to the tray. apparantly the riots on cronulla beach wouldnt have happened if everyone just ate lamb.

i dont really understand the aussieness of australia day. why go down to the foreshore and get pissed and start fights with other aussies.. coz they are not aussie enough? coz their aussie flag cape is bigger? coz their girlfriend has a better aussie flag bikini? coz they are drinkin an import beer rather than a vb? maybe people start fights just so their mates can scream out the aussie aussie aussie thing.
why go down to the foreshore, get pissed and leave tons of rubbish behind?

cynical maybe...

nah, i like australia. i dont like lamb. but i like being an aussie. i like going to the beach and having bbqs on balmy nights, or in the middle of the day. i can kick a footy bare foot with a beer in one hand. i have mates. i can drive my car on gravel. i can whistle through a gumnut. i wear thongs most days of the year.
i like watching the fireworks.
and i am listening to the hottest 100.
if i had an australian flag fake tattoo i would put it on.
i still dont want to eat lamb though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

stop. hammer time

this is the result of letting the kids go crazy with several cans of hairspray and an 80's theme...

Monday, January 09, 2006

play time

first day back with the kids today. strange. but also strangely ok.
we went down to the river and played cricket and boardgames and sandcastles and caught jelly fish and made homes for them.
water and kids always make for a bit of anxiety but there were no dramas. not even any tears.
me however, i am exhausted. it takes a while to get back into it all.
i wish dinner was all cooked for me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

quiet day

today has been one of silence.
in the morning, before the seabreeze i went for a swim, then read my book on the sand (the power of one..its pretty long).
it was all a bit quiet. apart from the giant waves crashing down on my head.
then i got a message from our travel agent, sarah, saying that our kickass cheap hotel in milan was unavailable and that i needed to ring her back asap....
so rang her back, but she was busy. so the other lady told me that she would tell sarah that i rang.
but then she didnt.
and then i started getting all anxious about the whole thing. in my silent house.
so then i rang her again.
but she was still busy.
so i have been waiting around. i hate waiting.
so i went to the shops coz the phone never rings if you wait for it. so i have been told.
now its 5.30 and still no sarah telling me that she has found us an even better cheaper hotel.
anyone know anyone in milan thats got a spare room?