Thursday, January 05, 2006

quiet day

today has been one of silence.
in the morning, before the seabreeze i went for a swim, then read my book on the sand (the power of one..its pretty long).
it was all a bit quiet. apart from the giant waves crashing down on my head.
then i got a message from our travel agent, sarah, saying that our kickass cheap hotel in milan was unavailable and that i needed to ring her back asap....
so rang her back, but she was busy. so the other lady told me that she would tell sarah that i rang.
but then she didnt.
and then i started getting all anxious about the whole thing. in my silent house.
so then i rang her again.
but she was still busy.
so i have been waiting around. i hate waiting.
so i went to the shops coz the phone never rings if you wait for it. so i have been told.
now its 5.30 and still no sarah telling me that she has found us an even better cheaper hotel.
anyone know anyone in milan thats got a spare room?


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