Saturday, December 03, 2005

a year

a year is a long time. a long time not to see someone. in the last 12 hours i have reunited with 2 different people that i havent seen for a year. nothing changes. we get a bit older. a bit fatter. a bit thinner. a bit shorter. a bit taller. but the real things. they dont change. cups of tea taste the same. hugs feel the same...just a bit more exciting.
its a strange thing... that year apart. so much happens. but then nothing really happens.
you miss, then you get used to it, then you anticipate their return, then they are there and its like there was no time gone.
but then they will go again. and it will seem like they were never here.

so while they are here i will enjoy and embrace them like they are leaving tomorrow.


Blogger emma said...

who are they little one? i wish they was me.

3:40 PM  
Blogger vashti said...

i wish they was you too...
one of them is my mum - that is who i was mainly talking about. the other was one of steves friends - they were discussing the whole "its been a year, cant believe it" thing. it just seemed strange that this happened twice in one day.
soon it will be you.. YAY!!!

11:06 AM  

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