Monday, February 21, 2005

all of it

oh wow.. lots of stuff!
i have never lived with a boyfriend before..
the other night steve made some dinner and we got a bottle of wine, sat out on the porch and chatted. it felt like home. i think back to the times when we first met and i laugh and laugh. it seems so ridiculous that now we live together. so funny and weird but just so amazingly good. my house hasnt felt like home in a long time... you know it em!

and then today was the first day of swimming for some kids and i happened to get this kid who had all this technical stuff written on his form under "list medical issues.. blah blah". anyway this kid is only 9 or something and he just had his entire bowel system removed! so, poor thing, he has to have a colostomy bag all the time... and swimming of course too. oh my god i feel so sorry for him. he smiles and laughs with the other kids but i just wonder why this has happened to him. his teacher told me that he may have to have chemo..
so im on a mission to make his swimming lessons the most fun and not stressful and chilled out for him.

today it feels a bit like summer is ending.
i hope not.
i havent had nearly enough beach action.
my hair is actually soft.. hmmm

and theres so much more...


Blogger emma said...

i love you munchkin. you are the most amazing thing.

11:31 AM  

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